Going to university can be one of the most exciting and daunting times in your life. It’s a huge change, and it’s a step that requires a lot of planning and commitment, in addition to emotional growth as you leave behind loved ones and familiarity. Alongside your studies, the university gives you a new sense […]
Author: Students
If you are looking for a multilingual and multicultural city, then Luxembourg is your place. This city/country offers a fun and active student life no matter what you are looking for. It is one of the safest counties in Europe, an interesting fact, more than half of its population are international people, not nationals. There […]
Hello to all, this is Fatih, I’m from Turkey. I am currently studying telecommunication engineering related to 5G and I have been able to do Erasmus in 3 different cities and countries. Today I share with you my experience of being an Erasmus student in Lublin, Poland. I hope you can pick up a thing […]
Read in this post the 10 reasons to do your Erasmus in Germany. A compilation guide to all you need to know about studying in Germany. Why should you study in Germany? Germany is rich in history and cosmopolitan, it stands out for being a mix between cultures and traditions. Don’t forget that it is […]
Hello to all dear readers, my name is Melis and I’m from Ankara, Turkey. I was an Erasmus student in 2019 in Lisbon, Portugal for 6 months. And I’d be very honoured to give you some tips about my Erasmus experience and I hope that it can give you some useful ideas. To be honest, […]
Hi guys, I am Daniel from Vietnam! I got Erasmus scholarship for the MSc Tropical Forestry program in 2018 and moved to Dresden, Germany for my first year of studying. Now I am working on my dissertation in the 2nd year at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. So here goes my Erasmus experience. A […]
Heyyy world citizens! I’m Şeyma and greetings from Turkey. If you are reading this blog, I promise not to bore you. Since our path intersects on the same page, we have or will have similar experiences. In this article, I will share with you my experiences about reasons for choosing Germany for Erasmus+, preliminaries, accommodation, […]